The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Well Babies Update

Well, we had out well baby "babies" doctor's appointment yesterday. This was Morgan's 4 month and Thomas and Maddy's 18 month appointments! All is well, all is well!!!! How blessed we are to have 3 healthy angels!!!! We have still managed to stay antibiotic free around here! God is so good!!!! Here are the stats as of 4-15-10
Thomas: wt 23.3 (16%) ht 32.5 in (52%) head cir. 50 cm (94%) :)
Maddy: wt 22.9 (27%) ht 32inch (57%) head 47 cm (62%)
Morgan: wt 15.8 (78%) ht 24 in (23%) head cir 42cm (64%)
It won't be long before Miss Morgan catches up!
Sisterly Loving.....Being the oldest of two brothers I am soooo excited to watch this little sisterhood bond blossom!
All My Children....hehe!
This is Maddy trying to "annoy" her brother who was playing all by his lonesome...completely content until Maddy came along :) It got a little crowded....
This is my absolute favorite!!!! Oh what fun is ahead!

There is no going hungry around here! This is a pic I took of Morgan the other morning. She woke during the night starving so I gave her a bottle...a couple of hours later she woke smiling, ready to start her day! Here is the empty evidence from her midnight snack:)


Nana said...

What a fun morning! Maddy is already showing signs of being a great mother, just like hers. I always wanted a sister, you always wanted a sister, and now Maddy has her very own....this should be interesting...

Renee said...

I haven't been around for awhile and I'm so glad I stopped by today. The kids are all adorable!

Kim said...

Such sweet pictures! So glad to hear the good report from the doctor. Morgan is a little chunk!