The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yet another play date......

McDonald's didn't know what hit them.....
Yes...even Morgan got to play....on her clean blanket from home :)
Monkey Man :0
One thing about twins...they always have a playmate....whether they like it or not! :)
Miss Heather with her niece's Kaydence and Kinsley and my Maddy ! Pretty girls!

Maddy and Lucas figuring it out!

Maddy sliding with the girls!

Look out Lucas....I don't know if the girls are ready to hand it over!
What fun we had on our Multiple Mommies play date! Who was there....well, we had Miss Heather with her mom (Vickie) and nieces (Kaydence and Kinsley) along with Kim and Lucas and twin baby Fitch's in her belly, as well as Jackie and Cindy with me and my crew! What fun!!!!


Heather Buchanan said...

Ahhh I LOVE IT!!! Must do it again soon!! :)

Nana said...

Look at Maddy...go girl!!!!
OO oo ah ah, Thomas!!!! Monkey boy...
Hey baby Gan gan!
kisses angels

Nana said...

I remember having to go up in one of those things and getting Jeremy, he got stuck and didn't how to come out....memories....

Heather Buchanan said...

Ughhh Nana... I had to go up there with them all!!