The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


This Saturday, Shannon and I participated in an all day (9-5) childbirth class. We opted for the all day course rather than 5 weeks of Monday nights. It was a great experience. There were 6 couples in all. We learned a lot, though we were impressed with how much we already did know. Overall, it was a great experience. We learned more about the types of labor, procedures, phases and stages, etc. We learned lots of terminology and what hospitals today and those here in Augusta have to offer. One thing Shannon and I found very relieving was that attached to the umbilical cord clip is a chip that will alarm the entire hospital if a baby is taken from the maternity ward. That made me feel much better as I have told Shannon he will be like a hawk watching our babies every move. I also learned and was happy to learn that more and more hospitals are trying to keep the babies with their mother more and more depending on the babies health. They call this rooming in. I really like that also. We learned relaxation techniques and even got to try some out on our mats with pillows and blankets. Shannon has no problem with the relaxation techniques...he enjoyed those! We learned positions to relieve pressure and pain and more. Like I said was a really good and reassuring experience. I am proud of our "certificate of completion" that we received. Now....we have newborn class, breastfeeding class, infant CPR, and infant massage to go. I think I'll be hitting some of these on my own as Shannon is really busy with work these days!

Hope this finds you well! Blessings!!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I'm stopping by to say "hello". What a wonderful and exciting time in your lives! Thanks for sharing it with us.
