The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


I just wanted to add a little update today. We are doing really well. The pain has become more tolerable and I am taking the Tylenol with Codeine as needed to sleep. I am also relaxing more and doing very little compared to my previous days agendas. I am trying real hard. Please don't be concerned after reading the blog entry from Tuesday/Wednesday. Shannon and I feel completely at peace that the babies are holding on and will not be coming earlier than we expect. I think Thomas and Madelynn are happy in their cozy surroundings. They are playing and moving regularly and getting stronger by the day! We have been told to anticipate a delivery 3-4 weeks prior to our due date just because that is typical of twins...but other than that they do not see any preterm delivery worries. I did get the 2 steroid shots just to be safe but it was only a precautionary measure and does not indicate that the doctors anticipate problems. I have only had heat rashes due to the shots so I am thankful. At this point no additional swelling than what I already had in my feet and ankles. Thank you again for all your love, support and prayers! We'll keep you posted!!! Blessings!

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