The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Help! Please send in your comments as I am a bit skeptical! Today....Shannon and I purchased a Kirby vacuum. Yes...we fell victim. We got a GREAT deal seeing as how the price started at $1950 and we paid $850 but.....I am still a bit leery. After seeing the dirt the demo dude got off our floor...and knowing how close Thomas and Maddy's heads come to the floor..we just couldn't say no. Thankfully....Shannon and I both are a bit of a hard nose when it comes to negotiation. I just hope we made the right decision. Today's economy has me a bit worried and I HATE spending money!!!! But....I do LOVE to vacuum. Yes...I am weird....I actually find vacuuming therapudic!

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