The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's Appointment

Today we began a new series of appointments that we will now go to weekly. They are called NSTs and BPPs or NonStressTests and BioPhysicalProfiles. The BPP is an ultrasound that scores you in 4 areas (I can't remember them all) and gives a total of 8 points if all is good. We scored 8! The NST is where they hook each baby to a fetal heart monitor and me to a contraction monitor. They are looking for fluctuations in heartbeat and also movement and how the babies react to movement. According to the nurse, normal heartbeat range is 120-160. Her goal is to get them above 160 in reaction to stimulation. They did that but without her stimulating but by their own means which was another good sign. They scored 2 of the 2 points needed giving us a perfect score of 10 in all! However, while there, we did find that I am still having contractions. I have been telling Shannon that my belly tightens and then releases but I thought it was the babies pushing out....well, it is contractions. The contractions however are merely Braxton Hicks. Dr. Holsten did check me and I am completely closed so no real worries at this point. We pray the babies will hold on another 4-6 weeks. We are currently at 31 weeks and 4 days (I know the blog says 32+) but based on the Oct. 18th due date we are 31 and 4. That is the date MCG uses. So...for now...Thomas and Madelynn are just snug as bugs in my belly and having to put up with this tightening uterus of mine. It isn't pleasant but we can put up with it as long as it is not the "real" thing. No pictures today. They did give us three, but I don't plan to post. One is of Madelynn's nose only...just funny and the other two are their private parts which we plan to keep private. Keep checking in as I will keep you posted on "The Smith's" and our little adventures!

Have a blessed day!!!

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