The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

More fun picks.....

Maddy so proud of herself...she can jump to a stand for a brief second...won't be long!
Big Shoes to fill.....notice a slight runny nose...mostly due to the air changes....
Here are just a few more pictures of the angels...growing and changing daily! I am trying my best to get their first birthday party underway.....where has the time gone!!!!


Kim said...

Why is it that children are facinated by shoes?!? It is hard to believe they will be one is just a few short weeks... I need to get planning myself!

Heather said...

Yes the time does fly!! Kay and Kin's birthday party is in 3 weeks :(

Nana said...

Happy babies! Thomas wants to wear his daddy's shoes or at least put them in his mouth...After seeing Maddy do the hop thing I have to agree that she will be walking girl! Kiss,kiss,kiss angels

The Carranza Family said...

Maddy looks like an angel with wings in that one picture!!! They are growing up so fast - I can't wait to see them soon.