The Smith's

The Smith's
The Smith's +Two + One = A Whole Lot of LOVE and FUN!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good Report

Good report with the Rheumatologist was so good to be back with my longtime Dr. and nurses. The appt. took sooooo much longer than I expected. We (Nana, the angels and I) arrived at 3:20 for my 3:30pm appt and didn't leave until 5:30. He did a full exam though. Who knew....having babies back to back and having lupus is not really good for the body (oops).....but I've got God on my side who blessed me with all three of my angels and He will keep us all healthy and safe...I know it! I did get orders to seek rest as much as possible (yea right) and to watch for any signs of flares. He also supported my choice to come off my meds. All in all it was good. The angels were such good sports for Nana in the waiting room and Nana is such a GREAT sport and GREAT Nana! We then had to hit Sams as I was out of diapers....We finally made it home in time for bedtime. What a busy day.....good day.....but busy day! Hope you all have a Great Day! BLESSINGS!


Tiff said...

I'll be praying for you... I know how it is coming off of your meds.. and I too support your decision. SAMS is the PLACE to get diapers... NO doubt! I know those angles are little growing weeds!!!! THey are JUST precious!

Lindsey Poulos said...

I love reading your posts, and am so grateful for the good report. I know that it must be difficult sometimes with all that you juggle, but God truly is faithful and I know that he is blessing you. Thanks for sharing.

Heather said...

Glad everything went well!!

Nana said...

..what can I say?..I was in the presence of angels! God is so good to me!!!!!!!